Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Be Still & Awaken Your Intuitive Heart Center


Today and everyday, create the space to get STILL. To just be. To breathe and sense. This is the soul space and you enter it through the heart center . Breathe long and deep into the center of your chest. Expand the energy field of your heart center by thinking of something you are grateful for and thankful for. Allow that feeling to saturate your entire body and visualize your heart center radiating rays of warmth, love and light 360 degrees around you. Expand that out 10 feet, 20 feet , 30 feet, as far out as feels right to you and in that open heart space, ask OUT LOUD your DIVINE INTUITIVE SELF: What would it take for me to step fully into my truth? Again ask: What would it take for me to step fully into my truth? Ask a 3rd time. What would it take to step fully into my truth? Notice what insight, sense, feeling comes up in the first few seconds after you ask that powerful question. Then SET YOUR INTENTION TO TAKE THAT STEP! 

When we align with our truth in the heart center, the whole universe will align to support us. Look for coincidences and synchronicities as signs of the universe co-creating with you to support your unfolding into higher levels of truth, love, compassion and consciousness. Trust the intelligence that keeps the planets orbiting in the solar system to be there energetically to support your journey.

We are living in powerful times of potentiality for evolving to deeper levels of being. Our planet is calling out for us to show up in a conscious partnership. The world is asking us to show up in a conscious partnership of peace and prosperity vs. the destructive violence of war. This is known as the Aquarian age and its now. We grow or suffer.We are being guided to release old patterns of fear and contraction and open to the power of trust and love. I choose to grow, and expand my level of conscious awareness, my connection and embodiment of intuitive spirit and I invite you to embrace that invitation too! It all begins with the daily commitment to GET STILL and connect to your SACRED INTUITIVE HEART SPACE. Breathe, Feel, Trust and take Focused Action to align with your authentic self. 

 Namaste & Blessings for stillness and open heart connections to your Divine Intuitive Truth.


   Today and everyday, create the space to get STILL. To just be. To breathe and sense. This is the soul space and you enter it through the heart center . Breathe long and deep into the center of your chest. Expand the energy field of your heart center by thinking of something you are grateful for  and thankful for. Allow that feeling to saturate your entire body  and visualize your heart center radiating rays of warmth, love and light  360  degrees around you. Expand that out 10 feet, 20 feet , 30 feet, as far out as feels right to you and in that open heart space, ask  OUT LOUD your DIVINE INTUITIVE SELF, What would it take for me to step fully into my truth? Again ask: What would it take for me to step fully into my truth? Ask a 3rd time. What would it take to step fully into my truth? Notice what insight, sense, feeling comes up in the first few seconds after you ask that powerful question. Then SET YOUR INTENTION TO TAKE THAT STEP! 

  When we align with our truth in the heart center, the whole universe will align to support us. Look for coincidences and synchronicities as signs of the universe co-creating with you to support your unfolding into higher levels of truth, love, compassion and consciousness. Trust the intelligence that keeps the planets orbiting in the solar system to be there energetically to support your journey. 

 We are living in powerful times of potentiality for evolving to deeper levels of being. Our planet is calling out for us to show up in a conscious partnership. The world is asking us to show up in a conscious partnership of peace and prosperity vs. the destructive violence of war. This is known as the Aquarian age and its now. We grow or suffer.We are being guided to release old patterns of fear and contraction and open to the power of trust and love.  I choose to grow and I invite you to embrace that invitation too!   Namaste & Blessings for stillness and open heart connections to your Divine Intuitive Truth.

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