Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Why No One Likes To Wait

Vibrant Health Tip of the Week- Why Nobody Likes to Wait.
Waiting & Trusting Intuition when Difficult Situations Arise

  This morning begins a 19 hour period of the moon being VOC -void of course. Generally that conveys a time of slowing down, not making any big decisions or starting new projects. Energetically it can feel a bit stagnant and worrisome particularly if you are facing a challenge that requires you to act in a clear way. Nobody likes to wait. Why? We are so wired to expect instant gratification, instant solutions to our pressing problems and the most frustrating experience is when you really don't know what to do. I learned recently that the average time a person takes to make up their mind on whether they will open a website is 3 seconds! Talk about not wanting to wait. In this hyper-paced culture, waiting can sound and feel antiquated as well as a big basic waste of time. In our ever increasing need for speed, we may be creating a blur of experiences and decisions that are no way rooted in clarity and conscious awareness.

Waiting often feels anxiety producing. Our minds are conditioned to want action and results pronto. How long to wait for the right timing of making important decisions? We have been trained out of this intuitive skill to know and sense as tools of obtaining clarity. If our busy minds can't come up with a plan we feel defeated. These are questions that arise from the ego that is easily tipped with the prospect of waiting to open to intuition and trust. I must say, its not an easy practice. The impulse to do something is so strong and yet there is an aspect of me that is wanting to wait. Not quite feeling clear enough about the action I need to take.

   In Yoga there is a term called the Kleshas that describe the 5 veils of a clear mind. These veils when activated separate us from our minds natural quality which is clarity. The 5 kleshas are grasping, aversion, spiritual ignorance, pride and fear of death. The two primary ways our conditioned minds move are either grasping to what we think we want or avoiding what we don't. This sets up the inevitable dilemma of not being present to what is, exactly as it is, be it beautiful or heartbreaking and every life experience imaginable. Ever notice how all the kleshas can be magnified at night? When in the dark we are confronted with our deepest graspings, aversions and fears?

 The impulse to grasp for the exits or aversion to stress and worry, we can end up in 'no mans' land . A space empty of wisdom and true clarity and guidance. Whats the response called for when you are faced with a very difficult challenge ? If the path of action does not feel clear to you, then being brave , wait and be still to allow your deeper intuitive insight to surface. Waiting is not to be confused with avoidance or denial. This is waiting with a clear intention to connect to intuitive guidance.

Swift yet unclear actions often result in compounding the problem you are facing. Clear and calm actions often are supported by deeper wisdom and light that opens up paths of resolution. The key is trusting that. When you feel you are deep in a Void of Course energy, not clear of the best action, take a tip from the ancients and pause, acknowledge the anxiety of waiting that does arise and wait anyway with the intention to get clear in yourself of what action is the most beneficial to take. It it feels right , it usually is. The Buddha came to the decision to sit under the Bodhi tree until his awakening from Maya, the manifestations of mind was complete. And he did and this teaching shows us the power of clarity of intention  of being present to what is arising and waiting.

And so this 19 hour VoC period of waiting and sensing begins.
Namaste & Blessings for a Peaceful Day. Anne Townend-Duffey

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