Wednesday, May 28, 2014


   Surrender is often considered a dirty word from the view of a western culture steeped in egoic competitiveness, where the 'end game' so to speak is to 'win' at all costs. Surrender from this point of view may be equated with weakness or cowardice. One may have to dive a bit deeper on defining exactly what one is winning within this dominant paradigm of divide , conquer and control.

When the ego is driving the intentions, what we may 'win' actually costs us in terms of losing our sense of integrity, our sense of authenticity , our sense of truth and deep meaning. Ego runs on fumes of fear and is programmed to maintain a status quo of control and conquer. Spirit on the other hand, thrives in the realm of mystery , trust and Love and the powerful access point to those energies is SURRENDER.

Surrender is not giving up as ego will surely protest but a deep giving IN to the truth of your being as being the most powerful energy you can realize in this lifetime. There are many levels of surrender.
  • INTELLECTUAL SURRENDER in where you rest the obsessive drive to analyise everything to death. 
  • EMOTIONAL SURRENDER in where you release the drive to control your emotions either in the direction of not feeling or spewing excessive emotions. 
  • PHYSICAL SURRENDER by breathing fully and inhabiting the deep terrain of your sensual body , letting go of the habits of holding tension and constriction by moving your body and connecting to nature . 
  • SPIRITUAL SURRENDER which is opening to the compassionate force of love and kindness that goes way beyond your small egoic identities of " I, Me & Mine" .

What life experiences bring us to the point of possible surrender? Anytime you realize you are powerless to control the outcome of any situation you are in. Ego will push with so much fear compelling us to scramble, think it through again, harness some emotional steeliness that gives us a temporary feeling of staying in control. The paradox here is when fear raises its potent energy, rather than reflexively move into damage control mode, how radical to actually stop and allow yourself to FEEL THE FEAR itself for what it is, a transitory constriction of energy wrapped around a false idea of who and what you are.

You become fearless not by controlling fear, but by courageously going into the dark places that scare you! What allows you to do this? SURRENDER TO THE MYSTERY OF THE UNKNOWN. Allow, open and be present to the experience of raw fear. Know that through that willingness that arises from your spirit to stay present to what is, without an agenda to control, limit or numb, you open to the precious possibility of the ecstatic power of peace that lies just beyond the frontier of our limited contracted , personalized egoic mind! Ahhhh! BREATHE, FEEL, ALLOW , SURRENDER, LET GO! 
The power of the universe is holding us up moment to moment in the energy of love and compassion. The doorway is by letting go of the conditioned habits of mind that distort our perceptions, narrow our awareness and literally cut us off from the dynamic , creative universal flow of life .

Why do we dance with such folly as control? Because it gives us a false sense of security and permanence in a world that is designed on impermanence.The energy of control is based on our reptilian brain that our ancient ancestors lived in as a way to survive. When the terror of seeing the sun disappear with no knowledge it would return, they created rituals giving a sense of control over a devastating fear of death. We have evolved as a human race from that primitive level of survival mind although its residual pull is still very strong.

When you can admit to feeling powerless in a situation you cannot control, you surrender into a deep honesty that leads you directly to your connection to your authentic being from which all consciousness flows. When we let go of our habits of forcing a solution through our limited mind or emotions, we open to the divine flow of intuition, where creative resolutions and guidance arise in ways our reptilian ego could never even imagine. Thats the power of surrender!

Play it small with ego or go big with intuitive alignment to Source! Its our choice. and we make that choice moment to moment. Practice today on letting go where you can, anytime you notice your mind, body or breath contracting. Respond by deeply breathing in, feeling what is arising, keeping your body relaxed and yes, surrender to the moment exactly as it is be it raw beauty or raw terror. Open to the possibility of being truly present to yourself, to others and to your environment and you will access a level of power the ego could never access nor imagine !True Power is in the capacity to let go to the mystery of the unknown.

BLessings for a day of Surrendering! Anne Townend-Duffey

" By letting go, it all gets done. The world is won by those that let go but when you try and try, the world is beyond winning' .-Lao Tzu
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