Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Know Too That This Shall Pass- The Lesson of Impermanence

 Know Too That This Shall Pass- The Lesson of impermanence.

    If you've been feeling the surge of disorganized energy lately between the full moon lunar eclipse two weeks ago and the new moon solar eclipse yesterday, add in the grand cross going on, there is a whole lot of moving and shaking going on! We are in a very potent time of evolutionary shifts where we are challenged to release old patterns of thinking, feeling  and perceiving and open to a higher level of conscious awareness. These  growing pains  can feel very unsettling and its intended to unsettle us out of our unconscious complacency of conditioned mind habits that keep us small and asleep in the dream and drama of the material world. Being comfortable with uncertainty is not what the ego mind has as its mantra but its what the spiritual truth of our being requires in order for us to enter into a liberated awareness of who and what we really are.

I have truly felt it on many levels the last few weeks. The full moon illuminates our unconscious mind and guides us to what needs our attention. The new moon energizes our path of growth by bringing clarity to what is not serving us now and the invitation to release that.  Add the eclipse energy to these natural cycles and you can have earthquake level upset . The lesson here, whenever energies ramp up in our experience, know that whatever is arising is arising for us to grow and all things shall pass. The Buddha taught the principle of Annica or impermanence . Every thing that we perceive fades away. Thoughts, emotions, material things, our bodies etc. So knowing this , why get hooked into holding on to anything? Attachment is truly the hook of suffering. Attachment brings us out of alignment with the truth of what is and that is the quintessential definition of stress.  Whether we are attached to our opinions on how we feel things should be, or attached to control, or to some perception of how we want our bodies to be, or lives to be or families to be or our community and nation to be, these attempts to control  the flow of life experiences always results in pain.

All these attachments are movements of mind born of fear and operate from ego who loves to have a sense of created control. Its all an illusion we are told but as Einstein observed, its a pretty strong collective hallucination we participate in! Given the pull of the collective mind set which is heavily fear based what are we to do to anchor us when everything we once knew to be true begins to crumble? The answer is not in the doing but in the being.
When you are faced with very strong and challenging circumstances, a loss of a loved one, a loss of your health, a loss of your job, the attachment and fear energy can ramp up so strong that nothing else may appear available to place our awareness in. The truth is, the ever present awareness that is eternal , that is not subject to impermanence that is our true source of our Being IS HERE RIGHT NOW, ALWAYS! 

 The space to access that awareness is the stillness between your thoughts,emotions and perceptions. The way to tap into that space of stillness is STOP, PAUSE & BREATHE DEEPLY. Our sacred breath can transport us out of the smallness of our attachments into the spaciousness of our spirit. Its a moment to moment practice. When you are feeling compressed, squeezed, literally pushed into such a small space of experience by the stressors of life, take a huge belly breath and come back into connection to the stillness of awareness . It will remind you of the truth of your being, as the pure light of awareness behind all fluctuations of the mind. The attitude of gratitude and compassion for yourself as you navigate life's daily struggles is a true companion on the path . Be gentle, breathe deeply and know that in this moment, all is well! Namaste & Blessings for a Spacious Day. Anne Townend-Duffey
" Jump now into the space between your thoughts and exit this dream" - Adyashanti

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