Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Death & Resurrection- Releasing Negative Samskaras


During this holy week of Passover and the Christian observance of Easter the energy of death and resurrection are potent.Couple that with the powerful lunar and solar eclipse cycles we are in this month, the message is of growth by releasing what is based in fear and not aligned in Truth.

In a yogic framework , in order for any transformation to occur, a death must precede the growth. This death could be a releasing of a mental habit, an emotional pattern or a physical habit that has kept the body -mind in a state of unconscious imbalance. In Sanskrit the sacred ancient language of India, these neural patterns of mind, thoughts and emotions are called samskaras. Some samskaras are positive, the patterns that support our health and well being. Many samskaras are negative. Like a deep rutted groove in the mind that plays over and over acting out imbalanced thoughts,emotions , conditionings and behaviors that keep us in a sub-optimal state of unconsciousness. The question is, what are you willing to release? What is not serving you? What are you caught in that has momentum towards negative outcomes?

Pick one and keep it simple. Perhaps you have a negative samskara of being impatient with others or yourself. See if you can schedule in 5 extra minutes for every task you undertake, whether its traveling to work, or errands or responding to your emails. With that few extra minutes factored in, see if you don't feel a little more breathing room to inhale deeply and exhale. To be present to what you are engaging in. The pattern of impatience is learned. In order for that pattern to die and a new positive pattern of patience to resurrect, we need to make the space. Rushing in our lives is a subtle form of self violence.

I am working on the pattern of Trust and practicing letting go and surrendering impulses of doubt, fear or the ever present ego need to know. In order for my sense of a deeper trust to emerge , I take notice when my samskara of fear, judging, or controlling might rear its head. I just notice it and with intention observe this pattern without judgement and let it release breath by breath. By creating the intention and practice to notice the samskara, I loosen the grip it has in my mind. I loosen my identification with it. I replace that pattern of fear with Trust saying, I TRUST THE WISDOM OF THE TRUTH OF MY BEING to guide me completely. Thats pretty potent stuff ! We are all conditioned to be doubting and fearful on some level. Our culture is rampant with fear and insecurity.

So this week, the powerful week of spiritual resurrection , the return of Christ consciousness , oneness, compassion and sacred energy of the heart, take a moment to examine what samskara  you are willing to release. There is a Buddhist saying,' Die a death everyday'. When we release what is not aligned with the truth of our being, we open to the the illumination of our hearts, souls and mind. Pure consciousness. We open to the Truth of our Being . One step at a time, let go, let go, let go, and allow your Higher Self to have conscious expression .

Blessings for a Beautiful Season of Resurrection! Namaste
Anne Townend-Duffey

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