Wednesday, February 12, 2014


 If  the quality of your energy field right now was a food, what would it be?  A fresh green smoothie pulsating with life force energy and vitality? Or perhaps you are feeling like day old pizza, stale, heavy, cold and tasteless?
Truth is, we are all energetic beings and our language is vibration. Thoughts, memories, conditioned habits and emotions all hold a vibrational quality. Of the 50-80,000 thoughts we may think daily, the vast majority are redundant habits, conditions, reactions and low vibrational quality, like stale corn chips. You're NOT going to thrive on those! Low vibrational thoughts are not only stale but corrosive and toxic in the long run to our body's health and our minds capacity to stay open.

   Today, make an intention to keep your vibrational field high by tapping into the regenerative energies of  gratitude, love , compassion, forgiveness , joy and LOVE, the creative energy of the universe.The highest truth is Love .At our essence , we are LOVE and all the universe is manifested from Love. These vibrations are SUPER FOOD for the soul! As we learn to recognize we have the power to either nurture and continue low vibrational patterns in thoughts, memories and emotions,ie. keep eating the stale pizza,  or we can tap into our heart center with compassion for ourselves, forgiveness of self and others, gratitude for another day to grow in heart and mind , we open to the potential of an awakened wisdom heart! That's our true nature buried under all the debris of our habits, thoughts, memories and emotions.
  • So.... STOP, Pause, Breathe deeply into the center of your chest when you notice a low vibrational habit arising. Make the powerful, conscious choice to shift into the SUPER HEART HEALER!
  • Instead of getting angry and reactive, shift to gratitude for the opportunity to learn and grow. 
  • Instead of falling into self- judgement or criticism of others, shift into compassion for our self and others as in any given moment we truly are doing the best we know how to do.What we do not afford to ourselves we cannot truly give to others. It all originates within. 
  • Instead of playing the victim card  blaming and complaining our current situation on external circumstances, take an honest look at your own habit of disowning your own capacity to heal and grow beyond perceived limitations! Your soul is infinitely expanded . Why let the perceived limitation of your mind decide on preventing you from your own brilliance?
  • Instead of identifying yourself as the limited, repetitive content of your conditioned mind, step into an awareness that you are in reality the energy of the universe! Yes , I said it!  The universe!
 In nutrition this is call making a lateral shift. Swap out a low quality food for a high quality. Do the same with the diet of your daily thoughts, habits, memories and emotions. This shift not only will expand your awareness into a wider perception it will raise your consciousness and your vibrational field UP,UP, an UP into the realms of heavenly light! When our vibrational field is high we THRIVE on all levels, physically, mentally , emotionally and spiritually. We become a living embodiment of our highest truth, our dharma. We awaken to what the deepest expression of ourselves is and live it !

 Try it today, each time a negative energy arises in you, STOP ,PAUSE , BREATHE DEEPLY into your heart center and make the shift to high vibration! Imagine if you and everyone you know made this practice a reality, how your life would change ! Imagine how the world would change! We'd surely lose our appetite for stale corn chips and pizza!
Blessings for a High Vibrational Day! 

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