Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Unlocking From the Prison of Pain ~ Are You Living Your Dreams or Living Your Wounds?

Anne Duffey

10:08 AM (3 minutes ago)
to me

    As human beings its inevitable we will experience pain in our lives. Those pains might be minor, moderate, major or horrific in scale. What distinguishes whether we end up living in a life of continual pain or we transcend our wounds to awaken to a deeper aspect of our truth? Why do some people despite their hardships have a smile on their face while others carry the pain day in and day out like a mule on a weary trek. Here's the key, until we choose to stop carrying and living in pain, we will continue to live our wounds. Carolyn Myss, the esteemed medical intuitive, coined the term 'woundology' as a category of illness unto itself. When we so identify with our wounds that we lose our deeper sense of self. We become our wounds.

All experiences happen to evolve us . This does not mean that anyone is to blame including  our version of God, for bad and horrible things happening to them. Life happens. We live on a polarity planet with positive and negative energy. Its how we are going to CHOOSE to respond to those hardships and challenges that confront us.Anyone who has ever face a significant trauma or life challenge knows this, you can be crushed or you can get down on your knees often by the complete exhaustion of resisting what is and surrender to a higher source .

The FIRST STEP IN HEALING IS TOP RESISTING WHAT IS. Stop reliving the past and FEEL into your body right now. If you feel sad, feel sad, really feel it in your cells, be present to it. What does sadness have to teach you? If you feel angry , feel it, deeply. Every emotion is a link to a deeper truth. Be present RIGHT NOW. BREATHE right now on purpose! Come back into your body temple and BE STILL. ALLOW and SURRENDER to the deeper wisdom of your soul to guide you from pain to healing. Healing means what was once unconscious is now fully conscious. Thats the healing .

Thats the freedom from releasing the mind habits that have kept us tethered to our pain, our past. We keep recreating the same pain over and over, reliving it. There is no reason for anyone to continue to suffer. Reach out to a friend, a church member, a therapist, a neighbor and begin to ALLOW support into your life. When we fully stop resisting what is, become more present to each moment, remarkable shifts begin to happen. We begin to feel ALIVE! 

  At each of our essentials souls we are divine light, whole , healthy, and integrated. Don't be fooled by what your mind may tell you otherwise! And what was once our wounds now has opened our hearts into their depth of compassion, love and joy. Yes , thats right! The Buddha said," suffering is the path to redemption". Open to it and transcend it. Blessings for a beautiful day! Namaste
Anne Townend-Duffey

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