Wednesday, October 1, 2014

It's October & Time for A Seasonal Detox Cleanse. Are You Ready to Clarify Your LIfe Force?

VIBRANT HEALTH TIP OF THE WEEK~ It's October & TIME FOR A DETOX CLEANSE! Are You Ready to Clarify Your Life Force??

As we enter the first weeks of Fall, nature is busy readying herself for the impending winter slumber. We too need to take notice of this change of season and gift ourselves a FALL SEASONAL DETOX CLEANSE. Within the sister science of Yoga- Ayurveda, it is recommended that we detox twice a year, Fall & Spring as making the energetic shift from summer heat to fall cool and winter cold to spring wet are huge challenges on our systems.

Why cleanse? To decongest our liver that has to process every substance we ingest be it via food, water, air, products we use and have physical contact with and patterns of heated thoughts and emotions we carry. The liver is the responsible for metabolizing complex molecules and keeping our AGNI, digestive fire optimal.
Health is defined in Ayurvedic terms as having an optimal AGNI, one that can efficiently digest and metabolize all energies, creating energy that supports our well being on every level from cellular integrity , organ ,soft tissues, muscle, bones, nervous system and consciousness expansion.

When we take a few weeks to clean up our diets, remove the obvious offenders such as meat, wheat, dairy, sugar, nuts, alcohol and caffeine, we allow our amazing physiology to recoup from overload and clear and renew our digestive fire. We support our cleanse with optimal hydration, rest and whole foods , alkalizing greens to cool the excess heat, a rainbow variety of organic vegetables, simple grains like basmati rice and the traditional ayurvedic detox dish Kitcharee made with mung beans.and some healthy fats to support the removal of the stored toxins via the liver. This includes fish oils, Olive oil or Ghee, (clarified grass fed butter)

After a few days of removing the substances that create imbalance, our bodies get busy removing them from our system via the pathways of the bowels.. We may feel a bit sluggish, or head-achey if detoxing from caffeine, simple carbs and sugars. We may develop some rashes that are signs of the excess heat being moved out through your skin. We may have our sleep cycles challenges either some trouble falling asleep or staying asleep.

So one may ask, why do this if I will feel crummy? Because if you stick with it, within a week your will turn the corner and all the energy your body was using to deal with the toxins is freed up and you begin to feel great! Better sleep, energy, skin, bowel and GI function normalize, allergy symptoms can reduce or eliminate and moods improve, balance and expand! These results are all the effects of reducing systemic inflammation in your system. You actually begin to feel what your true nature is , one of vibrancy and health!

If you feel inspired to take this journey, Join me at OPENING LOTUS YOGA'S SEASONAL FALL DETOX CLEANSE , a 4 week course that will begin Oct. 16. All the details are posted on the website. at 

If you want to follow an online group cleanse , there are many out there but two I would recommend are Dr. John Douilard's Colorado Cleanse which starts soon , check it out at or Scott Blossom's Fall Cleanse , at Both John & Scott are Ayurvedic practitioners and excellent resources.

In Closing, if you do not feel called to support your optimal wellness with a fall cleanse at this time, at least consider implementing the following fundamentals:
1. Go to bed by 10 pm and up by 6am. Optimal sleep is key to health.
2. Hydrate first thing in morning with 16 oz. of warm lemon water and drink half your body weight in ounces of water each day. Add more if you exercise or are consuming caffeine or alcohol.
3. Cut back on beef and animal proteins in general, Fill half your plate with steamed veggies or greens, one 1/4 of plate 3-5 oz of lean protein and 1/4 grain if tolerated.
4. Eat healthy fats each day, avocados, nuts, coconut oil, olive oil or Ghee. Grass fed butter.
5. Cut back or eliminate processed sugars. This are killers for health.
6. Eat low glycemic and high antioxidant fruits like berries, pommegranates, pears and apples. Choose organic and best to eat alone and not mixed with other things.
7. Consider adding some fermented veggies (org. naturally fermented) saurkraut, beets, carrots, kimchee etc) to your diet daily for the probiotic boost. Building your gut health and healthy biodome, the colony of healthy bacteria is KEY TO WELLNESS.
8. Cut back on screen time and data overload. Take time for quiet meditation, relaxation and being present to nature. Keep a journal of your experiences particularly what emotions arise when detoxing. This is common and they are arising to be released.

Those are some potent tips to get you started on your path to greater wellness. I am happy to support you with this so feel free to reach out, join the upcoming cleanses Oct. 16 or drop an email if you have questions!
Namaste and Blessings for a beautiful day! Anne Christine

Photo: VIBRANT HEALTH TIP OF THE WEEK~ It's October & TIME FOR A DETOX CLEANSE!  Are  You Ready to Clarify Your Life Force??

    As we enter the first weeks of Fall, nature is busy readying herself for the impending winter slumber. We too need to take notice of this change of season and gift ourselves a FALL SEASONAL DETOX CLEANSE.  Within the sister science of Yoga- Ayurveda, it is recommended that we detox twice a year, Fall & Spring  as making the energetic shift from summer heat to fall cool and winter cold to spring wet are huge challenges on our systems.

 Why cleanse? To  decongest our liver that has to process every substance we ingest be it via food, water, air, products we use and have physical contact with and patterns of heated thoughts and emotions we carry. The liver is the responsible for metabolizing complex molecules and keeping our AGNI, digestive fire optimal. 
 Health is defined in Ayurvedic terms as having an optimal AGNI, one that can efficiently digest and metabolize all energies, creating energy that supports our well being on every level from cellular integrity , organ ,soft tissues, muscle, bones, nervous system and consciousness expansion. 

   When we take a few weeks to clean up our diets, remove the obvious offenders such as meat, wheat, dairy, sugar, nuts, alcohol and caffeine, we allow our amazing physiology to recoup from overload and clear and renew our digestive fire. We support our cleanse with optimal hydration, rest and whole foods , alkalizing greens  to cool the excess heat, a rainbow variety of organic vegetables, simple grains like basmati rice and the traditional ayurvedic detox dish Kitcharee made with mung beans.and some healthy fats to support the removal of the stored toxins via the liver. This includes fish oils, Olive oil or Ghee, (clarified grass fed butter)

 After a few days of removing the substances that create imbalance, our bodies get busy removing them from our system via the pathways of the bowels.. We may feel a bit sluggish, or head-achey if detoxing from caffeine, simple carbs and sugars. We may develop some rashes that are signs of the excess heat being moved out through your skin. We may have our sleep cycles challenges either some trouble falling asleep or staying asleep.

  So one may ask, why do this if I will feel crummy? Because if you stick with it, within  a week your will turn the corner and all the energy your body was using to deal with the toxins is freed up and you begin to feel great! Better sleep, energy, skin, bowel and GI function normalize, allergy symptoms can reduce or eliminate and moods improve, balance and  expand! These results are all the effects of reducing systemic inflammation in your system. You actually begin to feel what your true nature is , one of vibrancy and health!

 If you feel inspired to take this journey, Join me at OPENING LOTUS YOGA'S SEASONAL FALL DETOX CLEANSE , a 4 week course that will begin Oct. 16. All the details are posted on the website. If you want to follow an  online group cleanse , there are many out there but two I would recommend are Dr. John Douilard's Colorado Cleanse which starts soon , check it out at or  Scott Blossom's Fall Cleanse , at Both John & Scott are Ayurvedic practitioners and excellent resources.

 In Closing, if you do not feel called to support your optimal wellness with a fall cleanse at this time, at least consider implementing the following fundamentals:
1. Go to bed by 10 pm and up by 6am. Optimal sleep is key to health.
2. Hydrate first thing in morning with 16 oz. of warm lemon water and drink half your body weight in ounces of water each day. Add more if you exercise or are consuming caffeine or alcohol.
3. Cut back on beef and animal proteins in general, Fill half your plate with steamed veggies or greens, one 1/4 of plate 3-5 oz of lean protein and 1/4 grain if tolerated. 
4. Eat healthy fats each day, avocados, nuts, coconut oil, olive oil or Ghee. Grass fed butter.
5. Cut back or eliminate processed sugars. This are killers for health.
6. Eat low glycemic and high antioxidant fruits like berries, pommegranates, pears and apples. Choose organic and best to eat alone and not mixed with other things.
7. Consider adding some fermented veggies (org. naturally fermented) saurkraut, beets, carrots, kimchee etc) to your diet daily for the probiotic boost. Building your gut health and healthy biodome, the colony of healthy bacteria is KEY TO WELLNESS.
8. Cut back on screen time and data overload. Take time for quiet meditation, relaxation and being present to nature. Keep a journal of your experiences particularly what emotions arise when detoxing. This is common and they are arising to be released.

 Those are some potent tips to get you started  on your path to greater wellness. I am happy to support you with this so feel free to reach out, join the upcoming cleanses Oct. 16 or drop an email if you have questions! 
  Namaste and Blessings for a beautiful day!  Anne Christine

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